

Admission Procedure:

Through MAH-CET ( |

Candidates, whose names appear in the merit list, should furnish the following documents at the time of admission:

Admission Requirements:

Admission must be taken by the student in person by submitting the following documents (Original and three self-attested copies):

Important Note: Original documents, along with the prescribed fees, should be submitted as per the provisional admission schedule put up on the college notice board from time to time. Students shall be informed to submit additional documents to the college as and when required by the Department of Higher Education.

If it is subsequently found that any of the statements made by the candidate in the admission form are incorrect, the admission will be canceled, and there will be no refund of fees. All admissions are subject to the approval of the University of Mumbai. The right of admission is reserved with the Principal and the Management. Fees are payable by Demand Draft/Credit Card/Debit Card/Payment Gateway.

Transfer/Migration Certificate

A student from any other University seeking admission to any of the Courses will be considered for provisional admission at his/her own risk only on production of a “Provisional Certificate of Eligibility” from the University of Mumbai on payment of requisite fees. Moreover, the necessary certificates should be submitted before the end of the term; Otherwise, the admission will be treated as invalid. For further details in this regard, reference should be made to the Registrar, University of Mumbai.

A student migrating from any other constituent college of the Mumbai University shall produce a “Transfer Certificate” to be obtained from the college last attended. The Transfer Certificate application form should be obtained from the college at the time of admission and submitted to the college last attended. It will be the sole responsibility of the student to obtain the “Transfer Certificate” from the previous college and submit it to the college office within the stipulated period.

Prohibition to register for two regular courses of study:

No student shall be allowed to simultaneously register for a law degree program with any other graduate or post-graduate run by the same or any other university or an institute for academic or professional learning except the integrated degree program of the same institution.

As per Circular No-AAMS_UGS/ICC/2022-23/168 of University of Mumbai, dated 17th Nov, 2022, the University of Mumbai has introduced the Credit Based Choice System (CBCS) 75:25 pattern. 25 Marks will be for internal assessment and 75 Marks for the Semester end Examination.


The term "Working Days" means the days on which the lectures are delivered. Sending up a student for the University examination shall depend on:

As per Ordinance No. 6086, a student is considered to have kept a term if he/she has completed, to the satisfaction of the Principal, the course of study for such a term for the class to which he/she belongs, and if his/her attendance is 75% of the total number of working days.


Methods of Teaching and Learning:

Teaching methods include Classroom Lectures, Interactive Sessions & Discussions, Case Studies, PowerPoint Presentations, Mooting (debating points of law before a judge), Guest Lectures, Practical Training, Project Work, Field Visits, etc.